• I married the most amazing man right out of college and now we have four kids together(!) -- two boys and identical twin girls -- and we are going on almost 10 years of marriage! truly have no idea where the time went

  • Crossword puzzles are my jam

  • I genuinely like candy corn, and I realize this puts me in the minority

  • I. LOVE. THRIFTING. and garage sales. and estate sales — love filling my home with the unique old things I find

  • I could eat ice cream and popcorn every single day. 100%. (and the half-popped kernels at the end are where it’s at)

  • Give me a cup of coffee and three hours to wander aimlessly through IKEA and I’ll be the happiest

  • I love cooking and I love having people in our home. We try and have a couple or a family over for a meal or dessert at least once a week and I highly recommend it!!! Open your home and your life up to others!

  • I LOVE JESUS! I’m forever changed by the love I’ve received, and following Him has been the best, most wild ride of my life :)


The first time I picked up a camera was in a Photojournalism class my senior year of college (I was studying Journalism at the time). I immediately fell in love with the art of it, as well as the challenge of capturing authentic moments as they happened

because there are no "re-dos" in the photojournalism world...you either get the shot, or you don't; and I was hooked.

And I think that's something that's stuck with me:

you just can't fake the real thing.

So although now I have the luxury of directing my couples and prompting poses and ideas during our sessions together (because that's so fun too!) I think what sets me apart is my love for capturing the realness of you...quietly sitting back and letting you be you.

that's the gold I'm looking for and the pictures I can't wait to deliver to you


Interested in booking a session with me?